In 2017 S.Thomas’ College extended its scope to pre-school education with the opening of a Nursery School utilizing the property with a purpose built structure that had been made available for purchase by Mrs Chantal Obeysekera De Saram at the end of 2015.
It was our intention to allow children of old Thomian and staff who fulfilled certain criteria to be enrolled and where the boys would have the opportunity of automatically being admitted to STC Kindergarten (Grade 1) at the appropriate time.
With the services of an experienced consultant, Mrs Rushika Ratnayake, we embarked on the project by identifying what sort of a Nursery school experience we would want to offer and made a study of many existing models before we settled on a hybrid of the Montessori Method and the Pre-School Method, both of which are unique in themselves. The S.Thomas’ College Nursery is one of the few that offers this fusion of methods and over the past four years it has proved to have been a wise choice.
Serviced by ancapable and qualified staff led by Mrs Romela de Mel as Head, the STC Nursery now offers three levels of classes, one 2+ class, two 3+ and two 4+ classes. Depending on the availability of space and resources we may soon be able to offer a day care facility too. All those associated with the STC Nursery, not least of all the parents, have been impressed by the quality of the learning experience provided and we are confident that what has been started in a small way will only go from strength to strength.
We look forward to more old boys and staff admitting their sons and daughters to the STC Nursery in the coming years.
Esto Perpetua!
The Rev. Marc Billimoria

S.Thomas’ College Nursery was inaugurated on the 11th of January 2017. It consists of 2-5 year olds. A unique curriculum using a blend of both Preschool and Montessori methods has been designed for the Nursery
Our Objective
To establish a child centred Nursery of quality and distinction for the sons and daughters of past pupils of S.Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, adding further value to College